I finally was able to get a shot of Huck smiling. Granted he isn't grinning ear or ear but still that's a smile on those little lips.
In other news, just as exciting as Huck smiling, I finally drove through the Holland Tunnel by myself! I have been putting it off for months, ever since we got a car, but last week I finally had to man up and overcome. I have this huge fear of driving through any underground tunnel but especially the Holland and Lincoln tunnels. This is probably due to watching "Daylight" with Stallone. I probably wouldn't have even thought of the possibility of a car accident resulting in mass disaster in the tunnel without it's help. But every time I go through the tunnel I'm praying to make it out alive. So far we've been okay, but I don't want to take more chances then I have to.
I have Jill to thank for giving me the opportunity to overcome my fear of the tunnel. If I hadn't told her I was going to come visit her I never would have had the courage to drive to the other side. Unfortunately once I got to Manhattan and then over to Jill's place I drove around for half an hour trying to find parking within walking distance. It never happened! I was so disappointed. Now that I know I can make it through the tunnel alive I'll be much less nervous to make the trip again, and actuall make it in to visit Jill.
Am I the only one with really crazy fears? For instance I have another fear of getting stuck in an elevator, or getting trapped on the subway...I refuse to take a cruise because I'm sure a tidal wave will overturn the ship or we might hit a glacier....the list goes on. Please don't tell me I'm the only crazy one out there!