I was tagged by my friend Naomi and it's about time I did it.
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player answers the question about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 other people and posts there names. And then leaves a message on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog to get the directions.
What I was doing 10 years ago:
I'm afraid this isn't going to be a very interesting question to answer. Ten years ago I was 19. Living in AZ and "waiting" for my missionary, Zac Hoover, who was serving a mission in Alaska. I actually made him a really great quilt while he was gone. I cut out the shape of the state of Alaska and appliquéd it onto the quilt and then marked all of his area's with a little polar bear. It was pretty awesome. However, since it's pretty obvious my last name is not Hoover, we broke up and he refused to keep the quilt. He said if he kept it he was going to burn it, so he returned it and I think it's still somewhere in my parents home...so, Zac, If you still want that quilt I can get it to you. In case you were wondering he was a really nice guy and was my first boyfriend. I'm glad he ended up married to a really great girl.
I also remember I was working in Phoenix for Banner Hospitals in the insurance dept. It was a pretty fun job. I was one of the only Mormons that worked there. The rest of the staff was Catholic, they gave me a really hard time about being Mormon. That was the same year I bought my very first care from a dealership, all on my own. It was a Ford Aspire. I always claimed it was "aspiring" to be something better. It was just a roller skate on wheels but it was nice not to spend massive amounts of money on gas for the Cadillac that I had been driving previously.
5 Things on my To-Do List Today:
1. Make sure Haylie and Beckett both get fed.
2. Clean the kitchen
3. Do some grocery shopping on line from Fresh Direct. I love that place!
4.Read my Scriptures (everyday I look over at my scriptures collecting dust and think "I should read those today" and everyday I still don't do it. At least I pray, that counts for something.)
5. Figure out what I can make for dinner that won't make me want to vomit.
3 Bad Habits I have
I have so many, it's hard to choose just three...
1. I am horrible at paying my bills..horrible. I always forget to do it and then end up paying massive late fee's on everything. Tom is in charge of all our bills at this point.
2. I sleep in every chance I get and have trained Haylie to sleep in until 9:30 every morning to accommodate my bad habit.
3. I am easily irritated by other what other people say and do. My most common phrase is probably "that's the lamest thing ever". For instance....I can't stand when people refer to their children as "the kiddies" or "the kiddos". It makes it sound like children are accessories and it irritates me to no end, just call them what they are, kids, or children.
Places I have Lived
Mesa, Gilbert, QueenCreek, Arizona
Provo, Utah
Toulon, Montpellier, Beziers, Perpignan, Nimes, France
Manhattan, NYC
Jersey City, NJ
Things Most People Don't Know About Me
Is there anything that people don't know about me? I suppose most people don't know I have had over 28 different jobs since I was 17. I have done everything from working at a Yogurt shoppe to selling socks. I worked at Abercrombie and Fitch for a bit, a dried fruit store, I managed a Karate School, worked as a Nanny, receptionist, a High School teacher for a charter high school, sold wedding dresses... the sad thing is I wasn't very good at any of these jobs but I interview so well that it makes people forget that I'm not a very hard worker. The longest I ever stayed with one job was when I worked as an Aesthetician. I did that for a total of two years before I got married, and loved it. It was the only thing I did that I actually enjoyed and was any good at. The only thing I ever really aspired to be was a Mom. I looked forward to the day I could stay at home with my kids. I was so glad to finally have a baby so I could stay home and do the best job in the world. I feel bad for people who don't have the opportunity or don't want to stay home and raise their kids because it's the most important job a woman can do. Being a Mom is the most fulfilling job I've ever had, it's also the hardest and most fatiguing one out there. But it's so worth every single sacrifice we have made to have me stay home despite the lack of income we currently have.
Another thing people may not know about me is that I technically served two missions. I entered the MTC in January of 2001 to serve in the Marseilles France mission. I left the MTC Feb. 19, 2001. I decided I didn't want to serve a mission after all, and ended after tons of prayer decided I would rather go home to Arizona, or break something and go home to Arizona. I was home for a month or so when my Stake President called and told me one of the Seventy had called and asked if I wanted to go back on my mission. I said no. The MTC was horrible in my opinion. The only fun part was meals when the elders could entertain me (thanks Wiseman and Gibb). The Stake President told me to think about it and let him know if I changed me mind. I was pretty sure that wasn't going to happen. I had felt good about the decision to go home and I wasn't about the change my mind after all of that. But, things happen and after a family trip to AZ I felt impressed that I needed to go back. I called the Stake President and told him I'd go back. Within 24 hours I was back in the MTC. I went back to the MTC April 25th 2001. I was called again to the Marseilles France mission (It's rare that you get called to the same mission). This time was totally different. I loved the MTC, had wonderful companions who are to this day still my best friends. The elders were even funnier than before. I was only in the MTC this time for two weeks before going to France. Going back on my mission was one of the best, but most difficult decisions I ever made. I sobbed the whole flight to the MTC because I didn't want to go but knew I needed to be there. What a relief that it turned out so well!
Oh, and in September we are expecting another baby.
I tag Dawnell, Tammie, Kaycee, Jodi, and Starr
sure, post a picture you look great in and I look yucky! I see how it is!
I'm so happy that you are pregnant! Cute picture by the way. We really need to go do something if you feel up to it.
Congrats on the pregnancy! May your nausea pass quickly.
Congrats on the baby! When I read you were trying to fix something to eat that wouldn't make you vomit I wondered. How exciting!
Why do I forget to check your blog? It is incredibly entertaining, and I even LOL, which I usually grant very cautiously.
Anyhow, congrats on baby #2. Making dinner is over-rated. Play up the pregnancy more! When I was pregnant, I was set on proving it was a piece of cake. I made it through fine but next time, I think I'll live it up.
Loved your story of chess, poor work ethic and Target. Are you ever going to move back here because if you do, we seriously need to hang out lots.
By the way, did you enjoy the Giver? It's one of my favorites, but other's have said they didn't like it because they had to pay attention for the deeper meaning. (I swear, my sister for reals said that and I was like, you do realize it's a children's book?)
Sorry for the long comment, I do that.
Congrats on being preggers (you probably hate that word too, dangit). And crap, I call my children kiddos. But I do consider them accessories: I have one wrapped around my neck as an adorable perma-choker, and the other on my hip, squeezing my waistline so tightly all my backfat puffs out...kind of like a bad set of Spanx.
I love reading your posts. You are such an awesome girl and you totally crack me up.
Tee Hee, I had no idea you went on your mission twice! Hmmm, I've probably even said kiddos in front of you too and made you cringe. Hope today is a vomit free day! Congrats!
Ooops, forgot to say that your a HOTTIE with your new DO!
This post was hilarious.
I forget you (along with Stacey) are the queen of jobs. I should have immediately come to you for advice first. A staffing service is in my future.
Oh and I remember that cadillac. Do you remember when we ran over the bucket on the freeway and it got stuck under the car?
how exciting!!!! as soon as i read the thing about dinner and vomit i scrolled down to see if you were gonna say more.i hope you feel better soon! let me know how things are going
Congratulations Jenny! I hope you start feeling better soon. I loved your stories. I'm sorry to say I'm a cute-word user, but hopefully we can still be friends :)
Congratulations on being one of the hottest pregnant women ever! You look so great!
I'm glad that you ended up going back on your mission. Otherwise I would be nothing but a stranger. Funny, we didn't serve together, but some of my best memories from France include you. Simon Cowell would say that you are memorable. Love your blog!
CONGRATULATIONS ON THE NEW ADDITION. I hope you are feeling better soon!
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