I have finally gotten around to doing this since Tammie passed the tag onto me.
1. I am secretly obsessed with the Bravo T.V. Show "The Real Houswives of the O.C.". I can't help it, I love to watch and judge them. It makes me feel like my life isn't so bad. It's like watch a train wreck in slow motion, you know they are going to ruin their lives but they just can't stop! I love it!
2. I sucked my thumb until I was in the third grade! I'm so ashamed :)!
3. I tried out for cheer four times! I managed to talk my college roomates into trying out! It was so embarassing, but I heard you got a full ride scholarship if you were on the team, and it was worth a shot. That was embarassing, but even more embarassing was when I tried out for the J.V. team in High School. We were suppose to have a tumbling rountine, including back handsprings, flips, etc...only I didn't do any of that (I was counting on my good looks getting me through), So when it was my turn to do my tumbing routine, I ran down the 30 yards of mat doing cartwheels, and not very good ones at that! I'm humiliated all over again just writing about it...funny how that didn't stop me from trying out in college. I'm so lame!
4. I think Jean Luc Picard, Captain of the Starship enterprise is so sexy, I always have, ever since I was young. I think it's how powerful he is, the whole universe is at his disposal!
5. I lie, when it suits my needs....not bad lies..just little white lies. Sometimes it's just easier to tell a little lie than it is to explain why I did what I did..No, I didn't eat all 12 cinnamon rolls, I took some to a friend! Really, I did eat them all, but just didn't want to look like a selfish glutton! I made the aforementioned rolls this week and ate all but two while tom was at school. I knew he would ask where they all went when he got home so I was all prepared to tell him that I wrapped up half and took them to a friend, but I knew Tom would catch me in that lie (he is really good at knowing when I'm not telling the truth) so I told him that I ate them.
6. I hate my elbows and knees. I have some sort of genetic elbow/knee fat. At family gathering my girl cousins and I greet one another and then immediatly start discussing how our elbow/knee fat is. Doesn't matter how thin I am, I still have that blasted fat.
7. I love word games, not crossword puzzles or anything (I detest puzzles), but games like Scrabblle, Boggle, Bolderdash (I like that cause you get points for good lies). My brother Tyler came to visit us in New York for Christmas. He had never played Boggle, or scrabble before,but we made him play with us (it was snowing outside), he totally sucked and I kept laughing at how slow he was..is that mean? Tom and I are really competitive about Scrabble. The rule is that the scrabble winner has to pick up the game (usually off of the floor) because the loser is usually too upset and angry about losing and swipes all of the pieces onto the floor! What's wrong with us that we care that much about scrabble?
8. Some of my all time favorite books ever are the "BSC". Don't tell me you don't know what that stands for! You know it, "The Baby-sitters Club"! It takes on a whole new meaning now that I have a child and no one to babysit. I use to want to be a part of that club, now I would give anything to be able to call one number, three days a week at an appointed time, and reach seven responsible babysitters! That Kristy was a genius!
Now I' am suppose to tag some other people...here are the rules. You need to list eight random facts, or habits, and then four other people, leave them a message and direct them to your blog for the rules....I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do..but Tag! You're it!
I don't know who to tag....Reilly? Do a girl a favor?