Saturday, December 1, 2007

Our Apartment

I know, I know. I promised pictures weeks ago and never put any up. Didn't you all know that I am totally disorganized? Well, here they are faithful readers. I can honestly say, no matter how lavish and big our future homes will be I will never love them as much as I do this place. It's probably because of the squalor we lived in previously, but I honestly wake up everyday grateful to be in a place as nice as this one..funny what you come to appreciate, isn't it?


Erica said...

Okay, I am officially jealous. That place is awesome. You should see my house. You would laugh. Seriously. Let's not talk about that, it is depressing. BTW, I totally love your bedding (and feel completely awesome for using BTW).

Ashleigh and Zebb said...

That picture of Tom laying on the couch...chad looks exactly like him, and they look exactly like their dad...

Jodiane said...

Oh yes,the squalor.... i only saw it twice, in passing, for a matter of moments, and i could give you a detailed account of that memorable aboad. Good for you, cutting the chord and all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen! Where'd you get your bed-spread? I love it!... I think I might be coming to NY at the end of Feb. Email me your number so I can call you.